Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Kate's blog

Just a little word on egg-blowing - be prepared, its not for the faint hearted. In fact, its a bit like giving birth which should give you some idea of the effort involved (unless you've never given birth, in which case if you've ever blown an egg it will give you some idea of what giving birth is like, sort of).
Anyway, the eggs are decorated and hanging in our new Easter window at Fig. Check it out!
Now I'm going to try and attach some photos of some new stuff in the shop....
Mmm, well, layout could be better I guess!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Goodness-it s my first blog and is without images or amusing annecdotes but it s a start !My hands are scarlet,blue and yellow (would have made a great photo!) all thanks to the eggs I m decorating for our marvellous Easter window display at Fig.I made some lovely cardboard rabbits yesterday too-keep posted !